Alina Shpak is a certified fitness coach-mentor, author of #ShpakMethod breathing and physical training methodology, philanthropist, popularizer of a healthy lifestyle and spiritual development, author of the bestselling book “Eat, Drink, Breath, Lose Weight”, coach of the year according to Cosmopolitan 2021, official face of the international brand FOREO, author and face of the anti-cellulite cream from Natura Siberica, winner of the “Beauty of Russia” 2020 contest, cover girl of Cosmopolitan Beauty.
Alina on the cover of Cosmopolitan Beauty Spring 2021
Alina is the face of FOREO
Alina is the winner of “Beauty of Russia” 2020
Alina’s book “Eat, Drink, Breathe, Lose Weight”
Large-scale workout at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow
Alina’s cream from Natura Siberica
Alina on the cover of Cosmopolitan Beauty Spring 2021
Alina is the face of FOREO
Alina is the winner of “Beauty of Russia” 2020
Alina’s book “Eat, Drink, Breathe, Lose Weight”
Large-scale workout at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow
Alina’s cream from Natura Siberica
#ShpakMethod is a fat-burning mental fitness based on the use of diaphragmatic breathing techniques, static and dynamic exercises, and energy practices, aimed at improving physical, spiritual, and psychological health, rapid fat burning, immune system strengthening, organizing a nutrition structure without strict diets and restrictions, and boosting one’s energy level in just 10-20 minutes a day without leaving one’s house.
The first path is physical health improvement:
All disorders in a human body originate at the cellular level, as organs are formed of tissues, and tissues are built of cells. If the body does not receive enough oxygen, irreversible alterations or cell death occur. With proper intensive breathing, oxygenation of the cell is accelerated, which means that all processes in the body are accelerated and improved - the cell gets healthy, efficient, and young; proper lymph circulation occurs, which means that there are no stagnations, no delays inside the waste substances - this results in the body being cleansed and rejuvenated. As a bonus, proper diaphragmatic breathing is a form of relaxation and anti-stress therapy.
The second path is rapid weight loss:
Respiration is the foundation of cellular metabolism; the better it is, the faster all processes, including the fat breakdown, progress. Here you can learn about biochemical processes, the Krebs cycle, ATP molecules, and the bioenergetic functions of mitochondria, but in layman's terms, the #ShpakMethod operates as follows: Breathing techniques + aerobic and anaerobic loads = extra oxygen enters the body -> lipid oxidation begins (burning fat) -> the result is a general weight loss and reducing problem areas. All of this happens after a 10–20-minute workout without diets or leaving the house!
“Crawl out of bed in the morning, breathe and go live your wonderful life,” says Alina.
Beginners should start with the #ShpakMethod_BasicCourse that consist of #ShpakMethod_MorningWorkout and #ShpakMethod_Relief, based on Alina Shpak's book "Eat, Drink, Breathe, Lose Weight," and then progress to more intense breathing techniques.
The #ShpakMethod's ultimate goal might range from losing weight to reaching internal harmony.
"For many years I had been searching, I explored traditional and non-traditional systems of training and nutrition, anddiscovered how to enjoy my body and soul without denying myself food and alcohol, without diets, without hard exhausting workouts, and without even leaving the house," says Alina Shpak.
The #ShpakMethod is based on scientific knowledge and practical experience: 3 university degrees, including one majoring as a "trainer-teacher", as well as studies at Harvard Business School and Yale University, a leading Korean Science and Technology University, a research of the study that received the Nobel Prize in 2019 about the mechanism of cell adaptation to oxygen and its impact on metabolism and physiology, as well as many years of my coaching experience.
"I will tell you how to enjoy your body and spirit without censorship, without agony, everything will be clear and fact based! I have been shaping your fat butts and bellies for many years, teaching you how to breathe and lose weight. I work with women, men, celebrities, Olympic champions, people with impairments, and many more. In addition, I am familiar with hundreds of energy practices - for money, love, which you will learn with me! You will discover the laws of the Universe and start applying them. Easy-peasy.”
The #ShpakMethod_BasicCourse is soon available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
I quote my followers: "Alina, your courses are the best investment in myself and my future." And this is 100% true, since we are pumping not only the body, but also the brain!
Intensive weight loss courses with aggressive breathing techniques coming soon in Spanish and Chinese. Subscribe to the pages on Instagram @alishkashpak @shpakmethod - not to miss out any important information.